
Wednesday 11 February 2015

‎My career is back in place and even better- BusolaOke

One artist who has helped shape and redefine gospel in Nigeria is Queen BusolaOke. Strictly singing her heart out in Yoruba language, she enthralls whoever hears her sing with her melodious voice and her charming personality. Having spent almost two decades as a Nigerian gospel artist, it is not out of place to state that BusolaOke has earned her status as one of the best in the industry. Skillfully balancing the task of building a home and striving to stay relevant in the evolving industry, Queen Eleyele, as she is popularly called, strongly believes the gospel is about sharing good news. In an interview with OUR REPORTER the Eleyele crooner reveals how her career has evolved, the misconception people have about gospel artists, how a car accident affected her career and much more.Take me though your background
My name is BusolaOke,I am the daughter of Professor &MrsOkeAkande.I am the 5th born of the family and I grew up surrounded with so much love and care by my family. I went to university of Lagos staff school, then JSS Larantokatako Jos and then back to Reagan memorial Baptist girls Secondary School, Sabo Yaba. After my secondary school I proceeded to University of Lagos popularly known as Unilag to study Mass Communication and I have been singing since I was 9 Years old. Although my parents said I have always had a positive reaction to music and beats since childhood but I took music as a career professionally when I was in the University. I released my first album Moyege in 1998 while I was still in school and ever since then I have been in the industry till date. Presently, as we speak, I just released my latest album Emimimo (Holy Spirit).
When did you decide that music is something you want to do professionally?
After school I was very lucky to get a good Job but I just wasn't enjoying what I was doing. I always feel disconnected because the only thing I remember is music music, music. I sing a lot at the office because singing makes my job easier. Customers look at me all the time, smile and will say ‘you have a wonderful talent, are you sure this is really what u want to do?’ I fall sick all the time and the only time I don't fall sick is when I am singing. Later I had this extra ordinary feeling that may be I was not yet doing the right thing so I left my job politely and settled finally for music.
How will you describe your career in the industry so far?
I will describe my career as a success but I am yet to get the best out of it and also to attain my major goal. But for all God has done in my life, I am saying a big thank you to Him because I am still relevant all to His grace.
What inspired you to set up a dance school?
My love for dancing inspired me because I dance a lot. I use dancing as my every morning exercise and I love teaching people how to dance. But presently the school is not functioning because I have a better and bigger vision for it so, very soon Sildamond International Dance School will be re-opened.
How successful has it been so far?
Until I decided to put Sildamond on hold for a new and improved one, it was a success and the turn up was highly encouraging.
Which album can you consider your most successful?
I am sure so many people out there would have answered this question without missing words because of the popularity of this particular album and its success story till date and right now I am saying it with a big letter word that ASOROMATASE was the most successful out of all my albums.
‘Moyega’ was your first album and ‘Ayanmo’your second. Why do you think they were unable to shoot you to the limelight until ‘Eleyele’?
Moyege and Ayanmo were good albums but I guess the only issue they had was promotion because the Yoruba people say ipolowolagunmuowo. Everyone knows advert is very important in business and show biz. if an album is not well promoted the song might only be heard only in the four corners of your bedroom alone or just in few places. Eleyele andAsoromatase did well because my boss, Gbenga Adewusi (Bayowa) promoted it very well. I am giving him the credit after God Almighty.
What do you think the biggest misconception is about gospel artists?
Honestly speaking, people's belief about gospel artiste and their songs is a really big misconception. I believe some artiste don't even understand what gospel means and what talent is.  Then coming to our listeners, our fans and promoters, there are a lot of misconceptions.  In a case where an artiste believes he or she must be a born again Christian before singing gospel or she must wear a big hat with long a dress that keeps Lagos clean; these are misconceptions. LAWMA is doing a good job, we don't need cleaners we need true talented singers, people that can move mountains with their talent, people that can touch souls, people that can inspire others, people that can make an impact through their songs; not particularly someone who pretends to be what he or she is not, in the name of making people believe you are a gospel singer.
The Bible tells us that gospel is good news, it didn't say gospel means covering your whole body or gospel is preaching everywhere you go. No, that was not the illustration in the Bible. You can sing praises to God, you can worship Him, adore Him and proclaim His name and power, they are all song ministrations, it's still gospel. Furthermore, singing moral and educative songs is gospel singing a love song that has to do with a true relationship and marriage is gospel. There is nothing bad about it, the bible says it's not the things that go into your mouth that are sin but only the ones that come out of it. Wherever you are, whatever you are doing or however you dressed, your heart is the only important link with God. He (God) is not a bitter one; we should stop all the charade and deceit in the name of Gospel.
What are the best moment and worst moment of your career?
The best was when I stepped into the limelight and the worst was when I had an accident last year January 4th 2014. It was as if my whole world was crashing down, I thought my career and life was over but I survived.
Did the accident affect you in any way and cause you to reevaluate your life and career?
Yes the accident affected my career a lot. I was indoors for a long time; I couldn’t go for shows or follow up on my career. To God be the glory I am back on my feet stronger than ever and my career is back in place and even better.
Reveal five things that are not really known about you
1-People don't know I am a professional caterer a very good cook and I do indoor and outdoor catering.
2- I am also a designer and I am planning to start my own clothing line. Presently I still work from home, I have my tailors but I do the designs.
3- I love American films especially season films, I am addicted to watching films and I love staying indoors always. I go out only when I have a career related appointment.
4, BusolaOke loves and cares about children a lot.
5, BusolaOke is a football lover and I am an Arsenal fan.
What plans have you put in place to remain relevant in the fast revolving industry?
I only try to be real and I compose good songs. It doesn't matter how long it takes to release an album, I like producing ever green songs and as you know, originality matters a lot in showbiz. When u are talented and real the ball keeps on rolling.
Which Nigerian artist do you admire and why?
Wow WowWow! This is a big one but I won't pretend. so sincerely I admire Ebenezer Obey, King sunny Ade, OnyekaUwenu and Tope Alabi because of their originality and talent.
You have a solid background in catering and fashion designing. Why didn't you pursue a career in one of these fields or both? Why did you go for music?
I chose Music because it's the biggest of all my talents and it's spiritual; it gives me peace and a clear connection with God. It heals me and furthermore, it's the only extraordinary gift I have and the one I didn't ask for, I was just born with it. I went to catering school, I also learnt so much growing up with my grandmother then I went to a fashion school as well but music was different.
What are your plans for 2015 and what are you working on currently?
In 2015 I am planning three things but I can't talk about the last one because it's between me and God and I love surprises. As for the other two; first I want to open a big recording studio with other showbiz related facilities in it like a video shooting studio, a photo studio and an editing room. I also want to come out with my new video ‘Emimimo’ (Holy Spirit), I just launched the album here in Nigeria, in London and the United States, but I want the video and audio to come out the same time.
Marriages have been falling apart among celebrities. How have you managed to preserve yours?
God has preserved it. Though I also face my own challenges like other celebrities but God has held it firmly and he is the pillar behind it. God bless my husband wherever he is because that man is such a blessing to my life and he understands me and my career a lot.
How do you balance you career and the task of raising a family?
God has made everything easy for me. My marriage, my children and my career are now best of friends, we all work hand in hand.
How did you deal with negative reports about you especially the ones on Father U turn?
I don't let negative issues bother me. Whatever people say or what they think is left to them. it's a free world, anybody can talk but I don't bother myself about issues that can't give any positive impact. I will rather put more effort in what I know how to do best and that's my career.
Have these controversies affected your career in any way?
Nothing affects my career because my husband understands me and trust me; and as for my fans, all they want to listen to is my voice, they are not distracted by irrelevant issues and I don't want to ever let them down.
What do you have to say about Nigerian female artists combining sexism and music?
Hmmmmmm, thou shall not judge,I don't want to judge anybody because nobody knows what happens behind closed doors.But my only advice is that whatever we all do, we should make sure we are doing the right thing. Putting the fear of God first in everything is important.

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